Sunday, November 21, 2010

My very first Blog

Hello..I have never done a blog before so I'm not really sure how this works but I shall try to make this interesting and maybe as I go along I will get better at it. Today is sunday Nov. 21. Since my life revolves around bodybuilding it is exactly 14 weeks till I start my contest diet for the California State. I hope to add at least another 1/2" to my biceps and my shoulders before I start the grueling business of contest dieting. Last week I got a little too over zealous in the building of a better ab area for myself and actually strained them so I have had to take it easy for a couple of days. Sometimes my tendency to go at things like I'm killing snakes back fires on me. I have found that if nothing else Bodybuiding teaches you patience. Sometimes the body simply gives you a little warning like with my abs, but if you don't listen and keep putting the throttle to the floor, well thats when you end up really screwed. I have been very lucky. I have never torn any of my muscles to the point that I needed to go in for surgury. (skiing accident aside). I think thats one of the reason when I was working as a heavy equipment operator, I never got fired from a job. I use to operate large dirt movers, 35 tons and above, and there was always some dude whos balls were bigger then his brains and he'd blow a transmission on one of these million dollar rigs just cus he wasnt watching his temp gauge. It applied there and its the same at the gym, "back off jack ass before you really tear something up"... so I am taking it easy today and probably for the next couple of days till this little sucker doesnt hurt so bad. (great timing actually since this is thanksgiving week!) I eat turkey every day so as B.B. King says " the thrill is gone" on that one, but I do plan on finding a pie to get real cozy with. I like lemon meringues, deep deep deep dish apple pies with the crumbles, pecan pie is right up there at the top too. The problem is finding a good pie. You see I KNOW how to make a great pie. I have also been spoiled by the greatest pie maker in the history of man, my Grandma. It never fails that when I go to a resturant and order a slice its just not what I have hoped (and usually dieted for weeks on end) for. So you are saying whats the prob, make it yourself right? can't do... You see I can't let those sweet little ingredients even into my shopping basket, never mind all the way home and into the house. Ever see a dog get away from a leash and go after a cat? Who knows how long it would take me to rein myself in and get back on diet! Once I opeded the flood gates of me making pies, my god! I would go thru the entire Better Homes 1000 best recipe book before I'd come to my senses. sooo.... I will hope that luck is with me and I find at least one slice that sort of fills me with that happiness that only a really great slice can do. Speaking of eating it is that time and all this talk of pies has really made me hungry so I hope you enjoyed my first blog and come back for more